Veröffentlichungen und Diplomarbeiten (Lehrstuhl für Statistik, seit 2004)
^Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)
Auswahl von Veröffentlichungen der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Statistik:
Buchkapitel | |
Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2005). Characterization of the exponential distribution by conditional expectations of generalized spacings. In: N. Balakrishnan, I.G. Bairamov & O.L. Gebizlioglu (Hrsg.), Advances on Models, Characterizations, and Applications (S.83-96). Boca Raton: Taylor&Francis. | |
Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2007). Linear Estimation of Location and Scale Parameters Based on Generalized Order Statistics from Generalized Pareto Distributions. In: M. Ahansullah & M. Raqab (Hrsg.), Recent Developments in Ordered Random Variables (S.253-262). Hauppauge: Nova Science. | |
Beutner, E. & Kamps, U. (2008). Models of ordered data and products of beta random variables. In: B.C. Arnold, N. Balakrishnan, J.M. Sarabia & R. Mínguez (Hrsg.), Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling (S.101-106). Boston: Birkhäuser. | |
Kateri, M., Kamps, U. & Balakrishnan, N. (2011). Step-stress testing with multiple samples: The exponential case. In: N. Balakrishnan (Hrsg.), Methods and Applications of Statistics in Engineering, Quality Control, and the Physical Sciences (S.644-665). Hoboken: Wiley. | |
Bücher | |
Cramer, E., Cramer, K., Kamps, U. & Zuckschwerdt, C. (2004). Beschreibende Statistik: Interaktive Grafiken (mit Software Download) (130 Seiten). Heidelberg: Springer. | |
Kamps, U., Cramer, E., Strauer, D. & Herff, W. (2005). Prüfungsvorbereitung Wirtschaftsmathematik – Analysis (123 Seiten). München: Oldenbourg. | |
Cramer, E., Herff, W. & Kamps, U. (2010). Übungen zur Mathematik (2. Aufl.). Aachen: ISW. | |
Clermont, S., Cramer, E., Jochems, B. & Kamps, U. (2012). Wirtschaftsmathematik, Mathematik-Training zum Studienstart (1. Aufl. 1993: 190 Seiten, 2. Aufl. 1994: 230 Seiten, 3. Aufl. 2001: 324 Seiten, 4. Aufl. 2012: 361 Seiten). München: Oldenbourg. | |
Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2019). Klausurtraining Statistik (1. Aufl. 2011, 2. Aufl. 2019). Aachen: ISW. | |
Encyclopedia Entries | |
Kamps, U. (2006). Generalized Order Statistics. In: N. Balakrishnan et al. (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol.4 (S.2731-2737). Hoboken: Wiley. | |
Neue Medien | |
Cramer, E., Cramer, K., Kamps, U. & Pahl, C. (2004). EMILeA-stat: Multimediales und interaktives Statistiklernen. In: R. Biehler et al. (Hrsg.), Neue Medien und innermathematische Vernetzungen in der Stochastik; Anregungen zum Stochastikunterricht (Band 2) (S.107-126). Hildesheim: Franzbecker. | |
Cramer, K., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2004). Die elementar-modulare Struktur der Lehr- und Lernumgebung EMILeA-stat. In: U. Rinn & D. Meister (Hrsg.), Didaktik und Neue Medien – Konzepte und Anwendungen in der Hochschule (S.175-191). Münster: Waxmann. | |
Cramer, E., Cramer, K. & Kamps, U. (2004). EMILeA-stat: Statistik multimedial und interaktiv. Softwaretechnik-Trends, 24 (1), 46-53 | |
Cramer, K., Kamps, U. & Zuckschwerdt, C. (2004). st·apps and EMILeA-stat: Interactive visualizations in descriptive statistics. In: J. Antoch (Hrsg.), Proceedings in Computational Statistics (S.101-112). Heidelberg: Physica. | |
Pahl, C. & Kamps, U. (2005). EMILeA-stat: Multimediales und interaktives Statistiklernen in der Schule. In: P. Bender et al. (Hrsg.), Neue Medien und Bildungsstandards (S.115-121). Hildesheim: Franzbecker. | |
Cramer, E., Kamps, U. & Schottmüller, H. (2008). Statistik multimedial: Lehren und Lernen mit EMILeA-stat. RWTH-Themen, 2/08, 64-68 | |
Tagungsbeiträge | |
Beutner, E, Burkschat, M & Kamps, U (2007). Sequential k-out-of-n systems: model and estimation. Proceedings of the Fifth International Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR) Conference (S.). Glasgow: . | |
Schlick, C., Beutner, E., Duckwitz, S. & Licht, T. (2007). A complexity measure for new product development projects. IEEE IEMC Proceedings (S.143-150). .: .. | |
Zeitschriften | |
Cramer, E., Kamps, U. & Rychlik, T. (2004). Unimodality of uniform generalized order statistics, with applications to mean bounds. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 56, 183-192 | |
Cramer, E., Kamps, U. & Keseling, C. (2004). Characterizations via linear regression of ordered random variables: A unifying approach. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 33, 2885-2911 | |
Balakrishnan, N., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2005). Relation for joint densities of progressively censored order statistics. Statistics, 39, 529-536 | |
Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2006). On optimal schemes in progressive censoring. Statistics & Probability Letters, 76, 1032-1036 | |
Beutner, E. (2006). Pure self-financing trading strategies under transaction costs. Statistics & Decisions, 24 (4), 435-443 | |
Beutner, E. (2007). On the closedness of the sum of closed convex cones in reflexive Banach spaces. Journal of Convex Analysis, 14 (1), 99-102 | |
Beutner, E. (2007). Mean-variance hedging under transaction costs. Math. Meth. Oper. Res., 65 (3), 539-557 | |
Beutner, E. (2007). Progressive type-II censoring and transition kernels. Communications in Dependability and Quality Management, 10 (1), 25-32 | |
Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2007). Optimality criteria and optimal schemes in progressive censoring. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 36, 1419-1431 | |
Beutner, E. & Kamps, U. (2007). Random convex combinations of order statistics. Statistics & Probability Letters, 77, 1133-1136 | |
Kamps, U. & Cramer, E. (2007). Comments on: "Progressive censoring methodology: An appraisal" by : N. Balakrishnan. Test, 16, 271-275 | |
Beutner, E. (2008). Nonparametric Inference for sequential k-out-of-n systems. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 60 (3), 605-626 | |
Burkschat, M. (2008). On optimal linear equivariant estimation under progressive censoring. Statistics, 42, 383-392 | |
Burkschat, M. (2008). On optimality of extremal schemes in progressive type II censoring. J. Statist. Planning Inference, 138, 1647 – 1659 | |
Fischer, T., Balakrishnan, N. & Cramer, E. (2008). Mixture representation for order ptatistics from INID progressive censoring and its applications. J. Multivariate Analysis, 99, 1999-2015 | |
Balakrishnan, N., Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Hofmann, G. (2008). Fisher information based progressive censoring plans. Comp. Statist. Data Analysis, 53, 366-380 | |
Balakrishnan, N., Beutner, E. & Kamps, U. (2008). Order restricted inference for sequential k-out-of-n systems. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99, 1489-1502 | |
Beutner, E. & Kamps, U. (2008). Random contraction and random dilation of generalized order statistics. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 2185-2201 | |
Yao, J., Burkschat, M., Chen, H. & Hu, T. (2008). Dependence structure of spacings of order statistics. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 37 (15), 2390-2403 | |
Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2008). VDI-Richtlinie 4008,9 - Eine Modellerweiterung [Analyse der Zuverlässigkeit redundanter Systeme]. RWTH-Themen, 2/08, 20-25 | |
Balakrishnan, N., Burkschat, M. & Cramer, E. (2008). Best linear equivariant estimation and prediction in location-scale families. Sankhya B, 70, 229-247 | |
Burkschat, M. (2009). Multivariate dependence of spacings of generalized order statistics. J. Multivariate Analysis, 100 (6), 1093-1106 | |
Beutner, E. & Kamps, U. (2009). Identical distributions of single variates and random convex combinations of uniform fractional order statistics. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 38, 1950-1959 | |
Beutner, E. & Kamps, U. (2009). Order restricted statistical inference for scale parameters based on sequential order statistics. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 2963-2969 | |
Kateri, M., Kamps, U. & Balakrishnan, N. (2009). A meta-analysis approach for step-stress experiments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 2907-2919 | |
Balakrishnan, N., Kamps, U. & Kateri, M. (2009). Minimal repair under a step-stress test. Statistics & Probability Letters, 79, 1548-1558 | |
Kateri, M., Kamps, U. & Balakrishnan, N. (2010). Multi-sample simple step-stress experiment under time constraints. Statistica Neerlandica, 64, 77–96 | |
Bedbur, S. (2010). UMPU tests based on sequential order statistics. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140 (9), 2520 - 2530. Verfügbar unter | |
Burkschat, M., Kamps, U. & Kateri, M. (2010). Sequential order statistics with an order statistics prior. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, 1826-1836 | |
Kateri, M., Kamps, U. & Balakrishnan, N. (2011). Optimal allocation of change points in simple step-stress experiments under type-II censoring. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, 236-247 | |
Fischer, T. & Kamps, U. (2011). On the existence of transformations preserving the structure of order statistics in lower dimensions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141, 536–548 | |
Schenk, N., Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2011). Bayesian estimation and prediction with multiply Type-II censored samples of sequential order statistics from one- and two-parameter exponential distributions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141, 1575-1587 | |
Balakrishnan, N., Beutner, E. & Kamps, U. (2011). Modeling parameters of a load-sharing system through link functions in sequential order statistics models and associated inference. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 60, 605-611 | |
Balakrishnan, N., Kamps, U. & Kateri, M. (2012). A sequential order statistics approach to step-stress testing. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 64, 303-318 | |
Bedbur, S., Beutner, E. & Kamps, U. (2012). Generalized order statistics: An exponential family in model parameters. Statistics, 46, 159-166 | |
Bedbur, S., Beutner, E. & Kamps, U. (2012). Generalized order statistics: an exponential family in model parameters. Statistics, 46 (2), 159 - 166. Verfügbar unter | |
Goroncy, A. & Kamps, U. (2012). Relations for m-generalized order statistics via an Opial-type inequality. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142, 1457–1463 | |
Goroncy, A. & Kamps, U. (2013). Random convex combinations of m-generalized order statistics. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 42, 2376-2384 | |
Fischer, T. & Kamps, U. (2013). Power maps in goodness-of-fit testing. Computational Statistics, 28, 1365-1382 | |
Bedbur, S., Lennartz, J.M. & Kamps, U. (2013). Confidence regions in models of ordered data. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 7, 59-72 | |
Fischer, T. & Kamps, U. (2014). Structure preserving mappings of uniform order statistics. Statistics, 48 (1), 142-158 |