Zeitschriften (Sortieren nach: Erscheinungsdatum | Titel) |
Cramer, E. & Nasri-Roudsari, D. (1995). Die Siebformel von Poincaré-Sylvester und "Runs", Eine Anwendung in der Informatik. Stochastik in der Schule, 15, 13-22 |
Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (1996). Sequential order statistics and k-out-of-n systems with sequentially adjusted failure rates. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 48, 535-549 |
Cramer, E. & Bock, H.-H. (1996). Continuous-time Markov chains and compound Poisson processes with circulant intensity matrices. Optimization, 37, 385-392 |
Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (1997). A note on the UMVUE of Pr(X<Y) in the exponential case. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 26, 1051-1055 |
Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (1997). The UMVUE of P(X<Y) based on Type-II censored samples from Weinman multivariate exponential distributions. Metrika, 46, 93-121 |
Cramer, E. (1998). Conditional iterative proportional fitting for Gaussian distributions. J. Multivariate Anal., 65, 261-276 |
Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (1998). Sequential k-out-of-n systems with Weibull components. Economic Quality Control, 13, 227-239 |
Cramer, E. (1999). Estimation of the mean and the covariance matrix under a marginal independence assumption - an application of matrix differential calculus. Linear Algebra Appl., 288, 219-228 |
Cramer, E. & Nasri-Roudsari, D. (1999). On the convergence rates of extreme generalized order statistics. Extremes, 2, 421-447 |
Cramer, E. (2000). Asymptotic properties of estimators of the sample size in a record model. Statistical Papers, 41, 159-171 |
Cramer, E. (2000). Probability measures with given marginals and conditionals: I-projections and conditional iterative proportional fitting. Statist. & Decisions, 18, 311-329 |
Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2000). Relations for expectations of functions of generalized order statistics. J. Statist. Planning Inference, 89, 79-89 |
Cramer, E. (2001). Inference for stress-strength models based on Weinman multivariate exponential samples. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 30, 331-346 |
Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2001). Estimation with sequential order statistics from exponential distributions. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 53, 307-324 |
Kamps, U. & Cramer, E. (2001). On distributions of generalized order statistics. Statistics, 35, 269-280 |
Balakrishnan, N., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2001). Bounds for means and variances of progressive type II censored order statistics. Statist. Probab. Letters, 54, 301-315 |
Balakrishnan, N., Cramer, E., Kamps, U. & Schenk, N. (2001). Progressive type II censored order statistics from exponential distributions. Statistics, 35, 537-556 |
Cramer, E. (2002). A note on moments of progressively type II censored order statistics. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 31, 1301-1307 |
Cramer, E., Kamps, U. & Schenk, N. (2002). On the joint completeness of independent statistics. Statist. Decisions, 20, 269-277 |
Cramer, E., Kamps, U. & Rychlik, T. (2002). On the existence of moments of generalized order statistics. Statist. Probab. Letters, 59, 397-404 |
Cramer, E., Kamps, U. & Rychlik, T. (2002). Evaluations of expected generalized order statistics in various scale units. Appl. Math., 29, 285-295 |
Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2003). Dual generalized order statistics. Metron, 61, 13-26 |
Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2003). Marginal distributions of sequential and generalized order statistics. Metrika, 58, 293-310 |
Cramer, E., Kamps, U. & Raqab, M. (2003). Characterizations of exponential distributions by spacings of generalized order statistics. Appl. Math., 30, 257-265 |
Cramer, E., Kamps, U. & Rychlik, T. (2004). Unimodality of uniform generalized order statistics, with applications to mean bounds. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 56, 183-192 |
Cramer, E. (2004). Logconcavity and unimodality of progressively censored order statistics. Stat. Probab. Lett., 68, 83-90 |
Cramer, E., Kamps, U. & Keseling, C. (2004). Characterizations via linear regression of ordered random variables: A unifying approach. Commun. Statist.Theory Methods, 33, 2885-2911 |
Hofmann, G., Cramer, E., Balakrishnan, N. & Kunert, G. (2005). An asymptotic approach to progressive censoring. J. Stat. Plann. Inference, 130, 207-227 |
Balakrishnan, N., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2005). Relation for joint densities of progressively censored order statistics. Statistics, 39, 529-536 |
Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2006). On optimal schemes in progressive censoring. Statist. Probab. Letters, 76, 1032-1036 |
Cramer, E. (2006). Dependence Structure of Generalized Order Statistics. Statistics, 40, 409-413 |
Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2007). Optimality criteria and optimal schemes in progressive censoring. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 36, 1419-1431 |
Balakrishnan, N. & Cramer, E. (2008). Progressive Censoring from Heterogeneous Distributions with Applications to Robustness. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 60, 151-171 |
Fischer, T., Balakrishnan, N. & Cramer, E. (2008). Mixture representation for order ptatistics from INID progressive censoring and its applications. J. Multivariate Analysis, 99, 1999-2015 |
Balakrishnan, N., Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Hofmann, G. (2008). Fisher information based progressive censoring plans. Comp. Statist. Data Analysis, 53, 366-380 |
Balakrishnan, N., Burkschat, M. & Cramer, E. (2008). Best linear equivariant estimation and prediction in location-scale families. Sankhya B, 70, 229-247 |
Cramer, E., Herle, K. & Balakrishnan, N. (2009). Permanent expansions and distributions of order statistics in the INID case. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 38, 2078-2088 |
Cramer, E. (2009). Hermite interpolation polynomials and distributions of ordered data. Statist. Methodology, 6, 337-343 |
Balakrishnan, N., Cramer, E. & Davies, K. (2009). Some results on order statistics generated by two simulation methods. Statist. Probab. Letters, 79, 1847-1857 |
Cramer, E. & Tran, T.T.H. (2009). Generalized order statistics from arbitrary distributions and the Markov chain property. J. Statist. Plann. Inference (139), 4064--4071 |
Balakrishnan, N., Beutner, E. & Cramer, E. (2010). Exact two-sample non-parametric confidence, prediction, and tolerance intervals based on ordinary and progressively Type-II right censored data. TEST, 19, 68-91 |
Cramer, E. & Iliopoulos, G. (2010). Adaptive progressive Type-II censoring. TEST, 19, 342-358 |
Cramer, E. & Lenz, U. (2010). Association of progressively Type-II censored order statistics. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 140, 576-583 |
Beutner, E. & Cramer, E. (2010). Nonparametric meta-analysis for minimal repair systems. Aust. N. Z. J. Statist., 52, 383-401 |
Balakrishnan, N., Cramer, E. & Dembinska, A. (2011). Characterizations of geometric distribution through progressively Type-II right censored order statistics. Statistics, 59, 559-573 |
Cramer, E. & Bagh, C. (2011). Minimum and maximum information censoring plans in progressive censoring. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 40, 2511-2527 |
Cramer, E. & Schmiedt, A. B. (2011). Progressively Type-II censored competing risks data from Lomax distributions. Comp. Statist. Data Anal., 55, 1285-1303 |
Beutner, E. & Cramer, E. (2011). Confidence intervals for quantiles in a minimal repair set-up [Special Issue on Statistical Methods in Biostatistics and Reliability]. Int. J. Appl. Math. Statist., 24, 86-97 |
Schenk, N., Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Kamps, U. (2011). Bayesian estimation and prediction with multiply Type-II censored samples of sequential order statistics from one- and two-parameter exponential distributions. J. Statist. Plann. Inference , 141, 1575-1587 |
Cramer, E. & Ensenbach, M. (2011). Asymptotically optimal progressive censoring plans based on Fisher information. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 141, 1968-1980 |
Kennes, L., Cramer, E., Hilgers, R.-D. & Heussen, N. (2011). The impact of selection bias on test decisions in randomized clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine, 30, 2573–2581 |
Burkschat, M. & Cramer, E. (2012). Fisher information in generalized order statistics. Statistics (46), 719-743 |
Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Dahmen, K. (2012). A- and D-optimal progressive Type-II censoring designs based on Fisher information. J. Statist. Comput. Simul., 82, 879-905 |
Tamm, M., Cramer, E., Kennes, L.N. & Heussen, N. (2012). Influence of selection bias on the test decision: A simulation study. Methods of Information in Medicine, 51, 138-143 |
Volterman, W., Balakrishnan, N. & Cramer, E. (2012). Exact nonparametric meta-analysis for multiple Independent doubly Type-II censored samples. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 56, 1243-1255 |
Cramer, E. & Naehrig, G. (2012). Laplace record data. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 142, 2179-2189 |
Balakrishnan, N., Beutner, E. & Cramer, E. (2013). Computational aspects of statistical intervals based on two Type-II censored samples. Comp. Statist., 28 (3), 893-917 |
Rezapoor, M., Alamatsaz, M.H., Balakrishnan, N. & Cramer, E. (2013). On properties of progressively Type-II censored order statistics arising from dependent and non-identical random variables. Statist. Methodology, 10, 58-71 |
Cramer, E. & Balakrishnan, N. (2013). On some exact distributional results based on Type-I progressively hybrid censored data from exponential distributions. Statist. Methodology, 10, 128-150 |
Cramer, E. & Tamm, M. (2014). On a correction of the scale MLE for a two-parameter exponential distribution under progressive Type-I censoring. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 43, 4401-4414 |
Volterman, W., Cramer, E., Davies, K. & Balakrishnan, N. (2014). Further results on order statistics generated by two simulation methods. Commun. Statist. Simul. Comput., 43, 2732-2743 |
Cramer, E. (2014). Extreme value analysis for progressively Type-II censored order statistics. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 43, 2135-2155 |
Volterman, W., Balakrishnan, N. & Cramer, E. (2014). Exact meta-analysis of several independent progressively Type-II censored data. Appl. Math, Model., 38, 949–960 |
Alimohammadi, M., Alamatsaz, M. H. & Cramer, E. (2014). Some convexity properties of the distribution of lower k-record values with extensions. Probab. Eng. Inf. Sci., 28, 389-399 |
Balakrishnan, N., Cramer, E. & Iliopoulos, G. (2014). On the method of pivoting the CDF for exact confidence intervals with illustration for exponential mean under life-test with time constraints. Statist. Probab. Letters, 89, 124-130 |
Beutner, E. & Cramer, E. (2014). Using linear interpolation to reduce the order of the coverage error of nonparametric prediction intervals based on right-censored data. J. Multivariate Anal., 129, 95-109 |
Laumen, B. & Cramer, E. (2015). Likelihood inference for the lifetime performance index under progressive Type-II censoring. Econ. Quality Control, 30, 59-73 |
Alimohammadi, M., Alamatsaz, M. H. & Cramer, E. (2015). Discrete strong unimodality of order statistics. Statist. Probab. Letters, 103, 176-185 |
Cramer, E. & Navarro, J. (2015). Progressive Type-II censoring and coherent systems. Nav. Res. Logist., 62, 512-530 |
Cramer, E., Burkschat, M. & Gorny, J. (2016). On the exact distribution of the MLEs based on Type-II progressively hybrid censored data from exponential distributions. J. Statist. Comp. Simul., 86, 2036-2052 |
Gorny, J. & Cramer, E. (2016). Exact Likelihood Inference for Exponential Distributions under Generalized Progressive Hybrid Censoring Schemes . Statist. Methodology, 29, 70-94 |
Alimohammadi, M., Alamatsaz, M. H. & Cramer, E. (2016). Convolutions and Generalization of Logconcavity: Implications and Applications. Nav. Res. Logistics, 63, 109–123 |
Burkschat, M., Cramer, E. & Gorny, J. (2016). Type-I censored sequential k-out-of-n systems. Appl. Math. Model., 40, 8156–8174 |
Abbasi, S., Alamatsaz, H. M. & Cramer, E. (2016). Preservation properties of stochastic orderings by transformation to Harris family with different tilt parameters. Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 13, 465-479 |
Cramer, E. & Navarro, J. (2016). The progressive censoring signature of coherent systems. Appl. Stoch. Models Bus. Ind. , 32, 697–710 |
Hermanns, M. & Cramer, E. (2017). Likelihood inference for the component lifetime distribution based on progressively censored parallel systems data. J. Stat. Comp. Simul., 87, 607-630 |
Gorny, J. & Cramer, E. (2018). Modularization of hybrid censoring schemes and its application to unified progressive hybrid censoring. Metrika, 81, 173-210 |
Hermanns, M. & Cramer, E. (2018). Inference with progressively censored k-out-of-n system lifetime data. TEST, 27, 787-810 |
Cramer, E. & Davies, K. (2018). Restricted optimal progressive censoring. Comm. Stat. Sim. Comp., 47, 1216-1239 |
Gorny, J. & Cramer, E. (2018). Exact inference for a new flexible hybrid censoring scheme. Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 19, 169-199 |
Ottermanns, R., Cramer, E., Daniels, B., Lehmann, R. & Roß-Nickoll, M. (2018). Uncertainty in site classification and its sensitivity to sample size and indicator quality - Bayesian misclassification rate in ecological risk assessment. Ecological Indicators, 94, 348-356 |
Gorny, J. & Cramer, E. (2019). From B-spline representations to gamma representations in hybrid censoring. Stat. Papers, 60, 1119-1135 |
Gorny, J. & Cramer, E. (2019). Type-I hybrid censoring of uniformly distributed lifetimes. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 48, 412-433 |
Jablonka, A., Cramer, E. & Hermanns, M. (2019). Statistical inference for coherent systems with Weibull distributed component lifetimes under complete and incomplete information. Appl. Stoch. Models Bus. Ind., 35, 1001-1027 |
Laumen, B. & Cramer, E. (2019). Progressive Censoring with Fixed Censoring Times. Statistics, 53, 569-600 |
van Bentum, Th. & Cramer, E. (2019). Stochastic monotonicity of MLEs of the mean for exponentially distributed lifetimes under hybrid censoring. Statist. Probab. Letters , 148, 1-8 |
Gorny, J. & Cramer, E. (2019). A volume based approach to establish B-spline based expressions for density functions and its application to progressive hybrid censoring. J. Korean Statist. Soc., 48, 340-355 |
Döring, M. & Cramer, E. (2019). On the Power of Goodness-of-fit Tests for the Exponential Distribution under Progressive Type-II Censoring. J. Stat. Comp. Simul., 89, 2997-3034 |
Laumen, B. & Cramer, E. (2019). Stage life testing. Nav. Res. Logist. (53), 632-647 |
Gorny, J. & Cramer, E. (2020). On exact inferential results for a simple step-stress model under a time constraint. Sankhya B, 82, 201–239 |
Gorny, J. & Cramer, E. (2020). Type-I hybrid censoring of multiple samples. J. Comp. Appl. Math, 366, 112404 |
Hermanns, M., Cramer, E. & Ng, H. K. T. (2020). EM Algorithms for Ordered and Censored System Lifetime Data under a Proportional Hazard Rate Model. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 90, 3301-3337 |
Cramer, E. & Laumen, B. (2021). Stage Life Testing with Missing Stage Information – an EM- Algorithm Approach. J. Iran. Stat. Soc. (JIRSS), 20, 123-152 |
Cramer, E., Gorny, J. & Laumen, B. (2021). Multi-sample progressive Type-I censoring of exponentially distributed lifetimes. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 50, 5285-5313 |
Alimohammadi, M., Esna-Ashari, M. & Cramer, E. (2021). On dispersive and star orderings of random variables and order statistics. Statist. Probab. Letters, 170, 109014 |
Laumen, B. & Cramer, E. (2021). k-step stage life testing. Statist. Neerlandica, 75, 203-233 |
Jansen, M., Cramer, E. & Gorny, J. (2022). Exact likelihood inference for an exponential parameter under a multi-sample Type-II progressive hybrid censoring model. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 41, 101-127 |
Laumen, B. & Cramer, E. (2022). Stage life testing with random stage changing times. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 51, 3934-3959 |
Esna-Ashari, M., Alimohammadi, M. & Cramer, E. (2022). Some New Results on Likelihood Ratio Ordering and Aging Properties of Generalized Order Statistics. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods, 51, 4667-4691 |
Alimohammadi, M., Balakrishnan, N. & Cramer, E. (2022). Some characterizations by conditional events of generalized order statistics. Ricerche di Matematica, to appear. Verfügbar unter http://https://doi.org/10.1007/s11587-022-00741-1 |
Pesch, T., Polpo, A., Cripps, E. & Cramer, E. (2023). Reliability inference with extended sequential order statistics. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, to appear. Verfügbar unter http://https://doi.org/10.1002/asmb.2764 |
Cramer, E. (2023). Ordered and censored lifetime data -- An illustrative review. WIREs Computational Statistics, 15 (2), e1571, 42 pages. Verfügbar unter http://https://doi.org/10.1002/wics.1571 |
Schmiedt, A. B. & Cramer, E. (2024). Generalized Ng-Kundu-Chan model of adaptive progressive Type-II censoring and related inference. Nav. Res. Logist., 71 (3), 389-415. Verfügbar unter http://https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/nav.22152 |
Berzborn, M. & Cramer, E. (2024). Inference for Type-I and Type-II hybrid censored minimal repair and record data. J. Stat. Theory Practice, to appear |
Pesch, T., Cramer, E., Cripps, E. & Polpo, A. (2024). Modelling failure risks in load sharing systems with heterogeneous components. IEEE Trans. Reliab., to appear |
Cramer, E. (2024). Structure of hybrid censoring schemes and its implications. Metrika, to appear |
Pesch, T., Cramer, E., Polpo, A. & Cripps, E. (2024). Estimation with extended sequential order statistics - a link function approach. Appl. Stoch. Models Bus. Ind., to appear |
Buono, F., Cramer, E. & Navarro, J. (2024). Predicting future failures in generalized order statistics and related models. Statistics, to appear |